Case Chronology for Attorneys

Attorneys are challenged to manage the ever growing number of documents associated with any legal case.

Case Chronology customizes the organization of documents, providing efficiency with secure cloud-based accessibility.

While it has document management capabilities, the advantages of organizing related documents in chronological order promote analysis.

While experts may focus on one aspect of the case, the attorney must consider the multi-faceted nature of the case.

Medical records, legal documents, social media posts, credit card statements, work and payment logs, smartphone physical activity data, etc., can all be integrated into the chronology, with automatic built-in calendars, timelines, and filters.

Instead of relying on a summary document like a Med Chron, the attorney can view the documents while preparing reports, depositions, arbitrations, and trials.

With the calendars, timeline, and comparison of records feature, the attorney can explain the case to the client. The attorney can discuss the pros/cons and effectively present the recommendations.

Custom color coding and custom labels allow each attorney to work on the file while allowing other legal team members to continue viewing the same documents.

With permission-based access to the files, the lead attorney can assign tasks to others while viewing the whole process without interrupting workflow.

Case Chronology allows rapid refresh of the case. Because of access and organization of the files, the attorney can test their theories about the case. The attorney will always be ready to respond to the client's needs. No matter how many cases are on the docket, the attorney can prepare for all of them. The attorney can pivot to the case that actually goes to trial.


Medicare Fee Schedule HB 837
