Human Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence
What is the need of every attorney and claims manager? TIME. Too many files. Let's not even talk about the effort spent on getting them. So, you have the PDF files. Now what? Ultimately, someone will need to sort them, put them in order, separate the multiple copies from different sources, and identify the potential missing information. That is just the beginning. Some of those PDFs are copies of copies, faxes of faxes, and come in crooked, landscape, portrait, and gray highlighted texts. Do not even get me started on those handwritten notes with weird abbreviations. After reviewing thousands and thousands of those pages, I realize people communicate in a language that can only be recognized by their own tribe. Examples are the doctor tribe, the attorney tribe, and the social media tribe.
What an ask! "You need Me to review these thousand pages to prepare for tomorrow's demand/deposition/mediation? Yes." We also have another 100 cases to prepare this month.
Thank goodness technology can help in the sorting process. The cloud-based CaseChronology software uses advanced OCR technology to identify dates and names on each PDF page. Using machine learning, a form of AI, Case Chronology processes the data to create chronologies. Because the program learns on live files (not in the software company's sandbox of training files), an experienced human continuously audits the results for feedback and correction. This collaboration between Artificial and Human intelligence provides the optimal combination. With the use of only Artificial intelligence, the output may be correct or can be a realistic-looking error. With expert Human intelligence, AI-created inaccuracies are recognized and corrected.
As one of the founders of CaseChronology, I know that CaseChronology will accelerate your command of the facts and the objective evidence. After all, it was created because of my need as a medical expert. The information can be analyzed and presented at any time. You can view all the data multiple times, not just once before crunch time.
As the Claims Manager or the Attorney, you can combine the CaseChronology identified evidence with the intangible human variables to get to a Win-Win resolution.
Let me give you an example. Case Chronology provides a person's life baseline from reviewing medical records, work records, social media posts, travel schedules, and spending. After the event, Case Chronology provides the timeline of medical treatments and the continuation of the other layers of the person's life (work, play, spending, etc.). With chronology-identified facts, a baseline case value can be derived.
The Claims Manager/Attorney uses the data from CaseChronology. They consider the intangible nuances, such as the Claimant's personality/presentation, the opposing counsel's reputation, and the presiding judge's ruling history, to negotiate a win-win resolution.
As much as the hard power of technology tries to dominate, only the soft power of Human Intelligence will get it done. Technology (at least not yet) cannot accurately consider likeability, empathy, persuasion, and charisma variables. These intangibles factor into both side's willingness to end the conflict. Both sides can claim victory and move on.
You need both Artificial and Human to have optimal intelligence. CaseChronology, Be Optimal. Be Orca.
John H. Shim, MD
Co-Founder Case Chronology
Orthopaedic Spine Consultant