Be The Expert

Be THE Expert by using Case Chronology.  Subject matter experts provide opinions during litigation.  While opinions may differ, the facts used for analysis should be the same.  With Case Chronology, either party can view all the information, organized in a timeline.  With Case Chronology, everyone can see the facts and concerns.  With Case Chronology, both the plaintiff and the defendant can view the other's perspectives.  Instead of conflict, you can get to de-escalation, resolution,  settlement, and healing.   Is that not the ultimate goal? 

Ideally,  there should only be THE Expert.  Not a Plaintiff Expert or a Defense Expert.  The Expert reviews all the data and provides the opinion.  The Case Chronology process displays all the data.  Either side can now view all the information and do their own internal pro and con analysis.   Attorneys who have good relationships with their clients can explain the other's perspective.   Attorneys can navigate the emotions, while tactfully present the risks and benefits of a proposed path of resolution.  

As THE Expert, with the use of Case Chronology, the organization of the information becomes just as important as the opinion.  THE Expert can provide the means for both sides to view the whole picture.  The facts are the facts.  While one side may only consider one set, seeing all factors together allows instincts to trigger understanding.  Hardened perspectives give way to introspective analysis.

Be The Expert, who helps resolve conflict.  Display the facts so BOTH sides can move on.  Use Case Chronology to be THE Expert.


Command Center for Critical Thinking