Is your organization a legal dinosaur?

Big, strong, and alpha, enormous dinosaurs survived the various life stages to become the dominant figure on Earth, Until 66 million years ago.

But one unpredictable event wiped them out. A large asteroid impacted the Earth, ending the reign of these dinosaurs. Even if the dinosaurs had the scientific knowledge of the coming impact, it would not have mattered.

Let’s hope that would not be the case for humanity. Our intellect and leadership will protect man from total annihilation from a future large asteroid impact.

Similarly, all businesses face rapidly changing conditions because of scientific advancement. Technology will provide a competitive advantage to the few who can harness the changes. The leadership of every business anxiously knows they must change before the impact. Few will do the hard work of preparing and adapting to survive and thrive.

Is your organization a legal dinosaur?

Experience, relationships, and reputation factors will always matter. Maintaining each aspect demands constant improvement. Leveraging technology will become a significant factor in the improvement.

Case Chronology was developed because of the exponential growth of medical and legal documents. The manual process of sorting, identifying, and filtering the information can only scale with more and more staff. The redundancy of effort across multiple stakeholders could have been more efficient, but the manual process remains vulnerable to Keyman issues—the costs of manual data review skyrockets.

With technology, uniform quality assurance can exist. With technology investment, companies will be able to survive the explosion of data and the escalation of costs.

Case Chronology was developed for scale, collaboration, and efficiency.

The giant asteroid heading towards the casualty claims and legal universe nears the collision point. Do not be a dinosaur. Prepare. Once the dust settles, build and conquer the new world.


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Case Chronology for Medical Experts