Case Chronology for Medical Experts

Injuries have more than just physical ramifications. Unfortunately, many injuries will result in a lawsuit, as the related issues could not be resolved. Medical issues are complex, so attorneys will engage medical experts to provide analysis and opinions.

With the explosion of medical records, the expert faces a growing challenge of organizing and presenting relevant information.

With two sides presenting different perspectives, the medical expert must also be prepared to justify their opinions.

Without experts, there would be no presentation of the opposing points of view.

The burden of reviewing the ever-growing number of medical records, combined with an aggressive cross-examination of the opinion, has led to a shortage of physicians willing to accept the role of the medical expert.

Case Chronology software is built for the testifying medical expert to lessen the challenge. From the first file all the way to trial, Case Chronology allows the expert to concentrate on analysis instead of dreading the process of organizing the records.

The age-old challenge was having the patience and logical methodology to review the records, separating the records by relevance, placing the records in chronological order, removing duplicates, and presenting the records in a manner that promotes understanding. Not only was this a very labor and time-intensive task, but there needed to be a way to achieve quality assurance.

Additional records identified during discovery require significant efforts to determine relevance, remove the duplicates, and integrate them into the chronology.

Our Case Chronology software enables users to review every page but spend only one time identifying the author, the type of encounter (episode), and the date and time of that encounter.

With the author and episode filters, automated and hyperlinked calendars, duplicate detection features, and word search across all the documents, the user will have better than instant recall. The user will have an instant presentation. The user will be able to test the data and challenge the opinion.

As the program learns each user's case files, it will suggest the dates and authors over time. The user will still confirm the program's suggestions. The program will never replace the user's expertise, but will allow concentration on analysis and not consume energy and time on necessary but mundane file organization.

Case Chronology has onboarded Medical Experts and Life Care Planners. These users now review the data sets multiple times, not just once. Identifying inconsistencies, potential missing records, and pre-existing conditions allow a deeper understanding of the Case.

Utilization during depositions and trials provides instant views of the actual records, not just a summary of the encounter on a standard MedChron document.

Case Chronology allows the expert to explain the opinions during the direct and cross-examination. Views of the actual files provide information that helps answer questions that involve information taken out of context.

Case Chronology is a robust analysis and presentation tool allowing experts to present and explain their opinions effectively.


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Case Chronology for Claims Managers